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Empires and Generals



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A quick note from Pauly...

I am a game player. I play games all the time, day in and day out. Whether it is Tic-tac-toe on paper, Countdown in the street (which I have heard can be very dangerous), hunched over the computer, or laid back at the dinner table - I have always enjoyed a good game. My favorite opponents over the years have been my companions of my youth. My brother and my dad. I could never beat my dad at Chess, never beat my brother at Monopoly in real life and never even come close to the high scores that my dad laid down on Ms. Pac Man or my brother did on Super Mario Brothers. However, there were several games that they couldn't beat me on. To this day, my brother refuses to play me Age of Empires II.

Life was good when I was a child with games. Learning how to roll out a strategy to confound the other player and the rules were one of the highlights of the entire experience. I loved games then and I love them now. Computer Games, Board Games and Collectible Card Games.

I got started playing Collectible Card games in 1996 when I was introduced to Magic: the Gathering. I was given several starter decks and got to know them until I realized that I could get rid of cards that I did not want, and customize it to better suit my needs. I tried most of the variations available back then and traded around until I found my "unbeatable" deck: My rez-spike deck. Even though it still had flaws, the trick was to maximize output on a shuffle without any turns being wasted. Unlike a regular deck of playing cards, half of the fun of a Collectible or Trading Card Game is the ability to customize your deck. Were this true in a deck of playing cards, I would have five Ace of Spades and throw away all the twos.

So intrigued was I with this new game system, I decided to create my own. I realized that there were not any card games out there that showed Strategy, Logistics and Tactics the way that real life would display. I also became aware of the appaling lack of real life games out there. So much was Fantasy and Science Fiction based, that they had incorporated the actual game mechanics in with the genre. An example: You are a wizard and you summon an enormous spider from the ground with your power of ground strength. While this may be cute and fun, there was really no basis in anything structural. I would rather have a soldier with an uzi that came to me on a jeep because I radioed for him. While this may seem almost obvious to most people who would rather play this way, it was UNOBVIOUS in the majority of the world of the CCG. So unobvious in fact, that I almost made a patent out of it. You get the picture... and I digress. True, Empires and Generals is not "Collectible" or even "Trading" as anyone with a computer and printer can make all of them in one sitting. Yet, there is really no other genre' to put it in, and so here we are.

As I write this over a year later, the game of "Empires and Generals" has been created, trade-marked, copyrighted, alpha and beta tested, edited, tweaked and transmogrified over and over. Here is what remains of the finished version of my dream. All it yet lacks is for is you to have fun with it. So, have a great time!!!!!!!!1

-Pauly Hart
Acts 19:11

P.S. I'm down with the net neutrality and open source, so of course my game is free. But make sure and buy something so I can bring you the Persians, Greeks, Mayan, Maurya,  Macedonian, Mongols, Olmec, Hebrews and Byzantine just to name a few! If I have to spend my time making money for the man, then I can't make games for you!


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